The Challenge of Counting Figures in Reasoning

by Yuvi K - December 16, 2023


Doing well on reasoning tests is an important factor for success in today’s job market. Therefore, it is very important to understand how to tackle the figures reasoning questions so as to achieve the desired result. Figures reasoning questions usually appear in the form of diagrams, graphs, charts, and other such visual representations.

While the questions may seem easy at first glance, they may become quite difficult if the student fails to comprehend the meaning behind the figures correctly. This article aims to help students understand and apply the rules and techniques for counting figures in reasoning tests and enhance their chances of success in tests.

What are the figures in reasoning tests?

Figures in reasoning tests are pictures, diagrams, graphs, charts, or other visual representations that are used to present data, information, and relationships, and are presented with questions requiring the student to interpret and analyze the relationship between them.

The questions may require the student to either count figures, identify an existing pattern, explain a relationship, or draw a conclusion based on the facts and figures present in the diagram or chart. Figures reasoning is important because it requires the students to hone their problem-solving skills while analyzing the data presented through the figures.

Why is it important to count figures in reasoning tests?

It is important to count figures in reasoning tests because the ability to quickly count and recognize patterns can help in solving questions quickly and accurately. This becomes especially relevant in timed tests where students need to be able to solve the questions within the time limit.

Counting figures ability also helps the students to envisage relationships between the facts and figures present in the diagrams and develop an overall understanding of the concept.

What are the techniques for counting figures?

The techniques used for counting figures depend on the types of questions being asked in the reasoning tests. Generally, the following techniques are applied for counting figures:

  • Counting the figures one by one
  • Grouping the figures and counting them quickly
  • Using patterns to recognize the number of figures
  • Eliminating the figures that are not part of the desired answer
  • Using logic and reasoning to count the figures
  • Reading the labels and making assumptions about the number of figures


In conclusion, it is important to understand the techniques of counting figures in order to approach the questions of reasoning tests with confidence and accuracy. It is advisable to practice the examples given above and other similar ones to get a better understanding of the techniques of counting figures. However, the best way to become proficient in counting figures is to attempt as many relevant questions as possible and become confident in solving them.

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