The Puzzle of Missing Numbers in Reasoning

by Yuvi K - December 16, 2023

The Puzzle of Missing Numbers in Reasoning

We all know the ancient saying, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” But when it comes to solving problems, especially those involving numbers or logic, it usually benefits us to go alone.

The puzzle of missing numbers in reasoning is one such instance where it’s helpful to go solo. This type of problem involves filling in the gaps in a series of numbers, correctly predicting the missing number. In this article, we’ll explore the principles behind this puzzle and how to successfully solve it.

What is the Puzzle of Missing Numbers in Reasoning?

The puzzle of missing numbers in reasoning is a type of problem-solving question that requires logic and understanding of mathematical patterns. It’s designed to measure your ability to think critically and search for specific details or patterns in numbers.

The question usually takes the form of an incomplete series of numbers, with the missing number (or numbers) needing to be correctly identified. The complete set of numbers may be arranged in an ascending, descending, or even circular sequence. For example, given the sequence “6, 8, 10, ?, 14”, the missing number is 12.

The Most Common Kinds of Puzzles

The puzzle of missing numbers in reasoning typically takes one of two forms. The first is the linear sequence, which follows a progressive pattern from least to greatest or greatest to least. The second is the circular sequence, which is the same series of numbers arranged in a circle and the same number repeating.

Solve Puzzle of Missing Numbers in Reasoning with Math and Logic

The puzzle of missing numbers in reasoning can be solved using either math or logic. To solve the puzzle using math, you’ll need to identify the mathematical pattern in the given numbers and use it to calculate the missing number. For example, if the numbers increase in increments of two, the missing number must be the number that follows the same pattern.

Utilizing the ‘Difference’ Technique to Solve Circle Sequences

Sometimes, simply using math isn’t enough. When it comes to circular sequences, it’s important to use logic to deduce the missing number. The ‘difference’ technique can be used to do just that. When applying the difference technique, the aim is to find the difference between each number in the sequence and the number that follows it. The difference between each number is called the ‘step’; the smallest step in the sequence is the missing number.

For example, if the sequence consists of “4, 6, 9, 2, ?”, the step is calculated by subtracting each of the numbers in the sequence from the number following it. 4-6 = -2; 6-9 = -3; 9-2 = 7. The smallest step is -2, which is the missing number. The answer in this case is 4.

Learn to Solve the Puzzle Quickly

The puzzle of missing numbers in reasoning can be a simple but effective way to test someone’s ability to think critically and logically. It’s important to remember to identify the pattern or difference between each number in the sequence to solve the puzzle quickly and correctly. With practice, you’ll soon be able to confidently solve this type of question in no time.

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