Education Reforms: Committees and Commissions of Higher Education in India

by Yuvi K - December 16, 2023


Education Reforms is the process of improving the quality of educational institutions, courses and programs. It includes revising and changing outdated curriculum, modernizing teaching methods, and introducing new technology. This process has been underway in India for decades, and the government has taken the initiative to make improvements through committees and commissions of higher education.

In India, there have been numerous committees and commissions set up by the government to look at higher education and suggest reforms. Some of these have been extremely successful, while others have been less so. This article will look at the history of Indian higher education reform efforts, as well as the current committees and commissions that are working towards improving the educational system.

History of Education Reform in India

The first major effort to reform Indian higher education occurred in 1947 with the formation of the University Grants Commission (UGC). This commission was established to provide universities with grants that could be used for improving educational infrastructure and curriculum. Since then, there have been several committees and commissions set up to improve the quality of higher education in India, such as the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE).

In the 1980s, the National Policy of Education (NPE) was introduced. This policy aimed to improve the quality of education in India by introducing reforms in the curricula, teaching methods, and use of technology. It also set up the National Advisory Council (NAC) to advise the government on education reform. The NAC worked towards improving access to higher education, and increasing the number of universities and colleges in the country.

The New Education Policy in India (NEP 2020) was introduced in the year 2020 with the aim of transforming the educational system in India. The main focus of this policy is to make quality education accessible to everyone, promote innovation and technology, increase internationalisation of higher education, and focus on skill-based education.

Committees and Commissions of Higher Education in India

The government of India has formed several committees and commissions to continue to improve the quality of higher education in the country. These are listed below:

University Grants Commission (UGC)

Established in 1947, the University Grants Commission (UGC) is a statutory organization responsible for coordinating, determining, and maintaining standards of higher education in India. It is the primary body responsible for allocating funds to universities and colleges in the country and developing educational policies. UGC is also responsible for maintaining standards through inspections, examinations, and accreditation and providing financial assistance to students through scholarships and other programmes.

All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE)

Established in 1945, the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) is the statutory body responsible for formulating policies and overseeing the functioning of the technical education sector in India. It works to enhance the quality of technical education through effective curriculum, training, and research. It also sets the standards for academic programmes, assesses academic institutions, and provides assistance to students through scholarships and other funding.

National Council for Education Research and Training (NCERT)

The National Council for Education Research and Training (NCERT) was established in 1961. Its main objective is to promote educational development in India through curriculum formation, research, training, and teaching. It works to develop and implement national policies and programmes such as the National Curriculum Framework (NCF), the School Curriculum Framework (SCF), and the National Programme for Educational Technology (NPET).

National Testing Agency (NTA)

The National Testing Agency (NTA) was established in 2017 with the aim of conducting examinations for admission into higher educational institutions. NTA is responsible for conducting the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) and the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET). These exams are used to assess students’ knowledge and aptitude, as well as to provide admissions into higher educational institutions.

National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS)

The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) was established in 1989 with the aim of providing access to quality education to all. NIOS provides open and distance learning programmes, diploma programmes, and certification courses, allowing students to pursue education at their own pace.


In India, there are numerous committees and commissions working towards improving the quality of higher education in the country. These organisations work to develop policies, provide funds, and set standards for higher education. They have been successful in transforming the educational system in India, with the implementation of new reforms and technology that allow for improved access to quality education for all.

Looking to the future, the government of India will continue to invest in education reform. This will involve collaboration between the relevant committees and commissions, and will be aimed at further improving the quality of higher education in the country.

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