Mastering Linear Arrangement in Reasoning

by Yuvi K - December 16, 2023

Mastering Linear Arrangement in Reasoning: A Comprehensive Guide

Linear Arrangement is one of the most important topics for students appearing for competitive exams like CAT. It is also frequently asked in various other exams such as Bank PO, SSC, UPSC, etc. An effective approach and strategy is required to approach problems on Linear Arrangement. This article will help you understand the basics of Linear Arrangement concept in Reasoning and will also help you identify the various strategies that can be employed to solve questions based on Linear Arrangement.

What is Linear Arrangement?

Linear Arrangement is a process in which several objects are placed in a fixed order. It is a logical reasoning problem in which a set of objects needs to be arranged in logical order. The order is determined by a given set of conditions which may include any one or more of the following:

  • (थर्ड पार्टी): Third Party,
  • (उत्तरदायी): Responsibilities,
  • (अथवा): either,
  • (न्यूनतमता): Minimum,
  • (सीमा): Limit,
  • (ग्रेड): Grade,
  • (लगातार): Continuous,
  • (समानुपात): Proportion,
  • (प्रथम होना): First should be,
  • (वैध): Valid.

These conditions can help you identify the proper arrangement and sequence of objects. Linear Arrangement problems usually contain linear structures like a row of objects, a circle of objects or a semi-circle of objects.

Types of Linear Arrangement

Linear Arrangement problems can be divided into three categories:

  1. Single Row: The objects are arranged in a single row and a given set of conditions are used to determine the sequence of the objects.
  2. Double Row: The objects are arranged in two rows and a given set of conditions are used to determine the sequence of the objects.
  3. Circular arrangement: The objects are arranged in a circular or semi-circular form and a given set of conditions are used to determine the sequence of the objects.

Process of Solving Linear Arrangement Reasoning Problems

Linear Arrangement problems can be solved using the following five-step process:

  • Understanding the problem: Read the problem carefully and try to understand the type of arrangement and the given set of conditions.
  • Identifying the objects: Once the type of arrangement is identified, try to identify all the objects mentioned in the problem.
  • Understanding the conditions: Analyze the conditions thoroughly to understand the sequence in which the objects are to be arranged.
  • Creating a diagram: Start with blank paper and create a diagram as per the type of arrangement mentioned in the problem. You can also label the objects as per the sequence.
  • Solving the problem: Using the diagram, start solving the problem based on the given conditions and identify the correct sequence of the objects.

Examples Of Linear Arrangement

Example 1:

Seven friends decide to go for a movie. In which order should they go?


In this problem, seven friends need to be arranged in a linear sequence. The sequence will be determined by the given condition that they need to go for a movie.

Here, we have seven objects which need to be arranged in a single row.

We can draw the following diagram to solve the problem.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

The sequence in which the seven friends should go for a movie is A-B-C-D-E-F-G.

Example 2:

Six students of a class are participating in an event. The event has three rounds. In which order should the students participate?


In this problem, six students need to be arranged in a linear sequence. The sequence will be determined by the given condition that they need to participate in three rounds.

We can draw the diagram as below to solve this problem.

1 2 3 4 5 6

The sequence in which the six students should participate in the event is A-B-C-D-E-F-A-B-C.

Tips To Solve Linear Arrangement Reasoning Problems

  • Read the problem carefully and try to identify the type of arrangement.
  • Identify all the objects mentioned in the problem and identify the given conditions.
  • Create a diagram as per the type of arrangement mentioned in the problem and label the objects as per the sequence.
  • Start solving the problem using the given conditions and identify the correct sequence of the objects.
  • Be careful while solving the problem. Check the sequence of the objects and look for any other possible combinations.


Linear Arrangement is an important topic for those preparing for competitive exams. It requires you to use logical reasoning skills to solve the problems. You should try to identify the various strategies that can be employed to solve questions based on Linear Arrangement. This article will help you understand the basics of Linear Arrangement concept in Reasoning and will also help you identify the various strategies that can be employed to solve questions based on Linear Arrangement.

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