Organic Chemistry: The Science of Carbon-Based Compounds

by Yuvi K - December 16, 2023

Organic Chemistry: The Science of Carbon-Based Compounds

Organic chemistry is a branch of chemistry that focuses on the properties and reactions of compounds that contain carbon, including hydrocarbons. It is a vast and complex field that continues to develop and evolve as new theories, discoveries, and applications arise. Organic chemistry is used in our everyday life from the food we eat to the medicines that help us get better.

History of Organic Chemistry

Organic chemistry has its roots in alchemy, an ancient practice that was made up of a combination of chemistry, philosophy, and mysticism. This practice often resulted in the creation of elixirs meant to cure various ailments. The main goal of alchemy was the search for the philosopher’s stone, a mythical substance believed to have the power to transmute base metal into gold and silver.

The development of organic chemistry as a science began in the 18th century with the isolation of substances from living matter and the study of their reactions. The scientist Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier is credited with introducing the concept of compounds composed of atoms arranged in specific proportions. In 1828, Friedrich Wöhler synthesized urea from inorganic starting material, thereby disproving the long-held belief that organic compounds could only be produced from living matter. The use of the scientific method to study and understand organic compounds fundamentally changed the course of the chemical sciences.

The Significance of Carbon

Organic chemistry focuses on compounds that contain carbon, and it is the unique combination of properties that carbon atoms provide that makes organic molecules so interesting and important.

The ability of carbon to form covalent bonds with up to four other atoms makes it a versatile element capable of forming endless variations of molecules, from short-lived linear chains known as hydrocarbons to long-lived molecules such as proteins and DNA. Carbon can also form single, double, and triple bonds and link with other atoms in rings to form aromatics. Its ability to form these bonds makes it a key element in organic chemistry.

The Nature of Organic Reactions

Organic reactions are chemical reactions that involve organic compounds, typically involving the formation or breaking of carbon-carbon bonds. Some common types of reactions include the addition of reagents to a molecule (addition reaction), the breaking of a molecule to form two or more smaller molecules (elimination reaction), and the rearrangement of atoms in a molecule (substitution reaction). The vast array of organic reactions available makes organic chemistry extremely powerful, and as new compounds are synthesized, new applications and uses become available.

Organic Chemistry in Everyday Life

Organic chemistry is ubiquitous in our everyday lives, playing a crucial role in areas such as food, medicine, manufacturing, and environmental protection.

In the area of food, organic compounds such as carbohydrates, fats, and proteins play a major role in providing us with the energy and nutrients we need to survive. In the area of medicine, organic compounds are used in treatments for illnesses and diseases, as well as in the manufacture of medical devices. Organic compounds have also revolutionized the way we manufacture goods, from plastics and synthetic fibers to detergents and fuels.

Organic compounds are also of environmental importance, as they play a role in pollution control and the clean-up of contaminated sites. In addition, some organic compounds, like those found in plants, are able to capture and store carbon dioxide, providing us with a way to reduce our carbon footprint.


Organic chemistry is an essential and ever-evolving field of study that provides us with a deeper understanding of the world around us. By looking at compounds composed of carbon, chemists have been able to develop new treatments, products, and even new technologies that are now commonplace in our everyday lives. Organic chemistry will continue to provide insight and innovation in the years to come.

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