People and Environment: A Symbiotic Relationship

by Yuvi K - December 16, 2023

People and Environment: A Symbiotic Relationship


The environment is the living and non-living components of our planet that coexist with us. In simple terms, it is the natural surrounding that is often referred to as the ‘ecosystem’. It comprises of the atmosphere, water bodies, land, and the species that live in their natural habitats. People depend on the environment to satisfy their basic needs; food, shelter, and clothing.

Similarly, the environment depends on people to conserve it and create a healthy balance. People and environment exist in a complex symbiotic relationship that is sustenance for both.

What Does a Healthy Relationship Look Like?

When people show sensitivity and care to the environment, it allows them to continue taking its resources without damaging the balance of nature. This balance could be as simple as utilizing renewable and non-renewable natural resources in moderation. Following are some main aspects of the spatial relationship between people and the environments:

1. Utilization of Resources

Renewables vs. Non-Renewables:

The environment provides us with natural resources like minerals, water, soil, etc., that can be put to good use. People have the ability to utilize these resources, both renewable and non-renewable. Renewable resources are those that can be replenished with time, like hydroelectricity, sunlight, and wind. Non-renewable sources are those that cannot be replenished with time, like fossil fuels and minerals. It is important to use these resources wisely as they are limited and non-renewable ones such as fossil fuels are often polluting.

Moderation Is Key:

People and the environment influence each other in many ways. To keep the whole system in check, people must utilize the nature’s resources in moderation. People must keep in mind that whatever action they take to utilize the resources can also have detrimental shifts in the environment.

2. Conserving The Environment

As mentioned earlier, people have an obligation to conserve the environment. This is because about 50% of the world’s organisms depend on the environment for their existence. Any kind of shift in the environment, no matter how small, can have stunning effects on the living species of the world.

Responsible Disposals & Waste Management:

With the rising rate of consumerism and production, people have started generating more waste and disposing of it in an irresponsible manner. This creates more pressure on the environment as waste is often toxic and takes centuries to degrade in landfills.

Therefore, responsible disposal is the key to large scale conservation. People must recycle resources wherever possible and properly dispose the non-biodegradable waste. Additionally, people should reduce their consumption of products that contain plastics.

Plantation and Renewal of Resources:

People should plant trees to sustain the balance of nature. Plantation and renewal of resources is important for the planet’s health.

Furthermore, animal conservation and the protection of endangered species should be taken seriously. People should create awareness about the importance of conserving these species in their natural habitats and refraining from human interference.


To conclude, people and environment need to be in a symbiotic relation to maintain a balance. People need to be more conscious of their choices and refrains from destructive practices like overfishing, clear-cutting, and land clearing among others. The environment provides us with resources and it is our responsibility to conserve it properly.

Overall, it is important to keep in mind that any shift in the environment will indirectly affect people and our day-to-day activities. Hence, people should think of the environment as their own and spread awareness so that everybody can get involved in securing it.

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